10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava

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10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava
10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava


10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava : Guava is a fruit cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. Its botanical name is psidium guajava. It is native to Mexico, Central America and South America. Currently 45% of guava production is in India. Guava fruit is rich in nutrients. From the leaves to the fruits, the guava tree has medicinal properties. Let’s see what benefits it does to the body.

Nutritional Facts of Guava

Although guava fruit is low in calories, it is also rich in nutrients. It is rich in fiber and protein. The sugar content gives guava its unique sweetness. It also contains significant amounts of other vitamin B components such as niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. Small amounts of vitamin A and vitamin K are present. It contains significant amounts of manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and minerals such as zinc, calcium, and iron in small amounts.

10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava
10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava

10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava

10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava
10 Proven Health Benefits of Guava

1.Improves Heart Health

Guava is rich in potassium, soluble fiber and vitamin C. Potassium helps to regulate heart rate and high blood pressure. Vitamin C keeps blood vessels healthy. Studies have shown that eating pink-fleshed guavas can reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood cholesterol levels.

2.Improves Vision

Vitamin A is needed for good eyesight. Guava also contains vitamin A, which helps maintain a healthy, clear cornea. It protects the cells in your eyes. Vitamin C promotes microtubules and maintains proper function of retinal cells. There is a problem of evening eye disease due to lack of vitamin A. This can be corrected by regular consumption of guava fruit.

3.Improves Digestion

Guava is high in fiber. Guava meets 12 percent of your recommended daily fiber intake. It is useful for digestive health and bowel movement. Fiber makes stools lighter. It eases constipation and diarrhea.

4.Boost Your Immune

Guava is one of the fruits rich in vitamin C. Studies show that oranges contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges. Vitamin C plays an important role in boosting your immune system. Protects you from diseases like viruses and bacteria.

5.Diabetes friendly

The glycemic index of guava fruit is low which means that digestion and absorption occurs slowly. A low glycemic index prevents sudden sugar spikes. At the same time, the fiber content helps control sugar levels.

6.Guava Helps During Pregnancy

Guava fruit contains folic acid and vitamin B-9. It is beneficial for pregnant women as it helps in developing the baby’s nervous system and corrects disorders in the nervous system. Guava is beneficial not only for pregnant women but also for babies in the womb.

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7.May Reduce The Risk of Cancer

Vitamin C, lycopene and other types of polyphenols in guava act as antioxidants. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Guava inhibits the growth of prostate cancer and breast cancer cells.

8.Guava Helps Reduce Menstrual Pain

Many women experience severe pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhoea). A study of 198 women with menstrual cramps found that those who took 6 milligrams of guava daily had less pain during their periods.

9. Help Weight Loss

People’s body weight is increasing due to modern eating habits. People change their diet to lose weight. People who want to lose weight can take guava because guava contains less calories. Eating guava gives a feeling of fullness. This will delay your feeling of hunger.

10.Skin Health

Vitamins A and C in guava help maintain antioxidants. It helps in protecting the skin from various skin related problems. A study suggests that the antioxidants in guava have an anti-aging effect. Consuming guava keeps the skin fresh and glowing.

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 The information and data presented on this site are intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for professional medical treatment or advice from a healthcare provider. It is essential that readers consult their physician or other qualified healthcare professional to determine the appropriateness of the information provided on this site for their individual needs and medical situation. The material on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.